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AVS Standard Gracey Curette


AVS Standard Scaler

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AVS Universal Columbia Curette


The pod universal columbia curette is designed for moderate calculus removal on supragingival and subgingival tooth surfaces. The blade of a universal columbia curette has a round toe and back, and two cutting edges for scaling, making it an efficient design for scaling the entire arcade.

pod universal curettes have a blade set at 90 degrees to the shank. The universal curette has two cutting surfaces, one at the top and the other on the lateral face of the instrument. The blade of a universal curette is correctly positioned when the lateral cutting edge is against the tooth, and the top blade is positioned at approximately 85 degrees to the tooth surface. The shank base is held parallel to the tooth surface being scaled. Apply lateral pressure against the tooth root and pull upwards with lateral pressure on the tooth to maintain contact. This will remove debris and
endotoxins from the surface of the root.

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AVS scalers and curettes are used for cleaning debris from the crown and root of teeth. Some curettes are also useful for smoothing bone after extraction. There is a degree of skill and understanding required for their successful use. Each instrument has been hand crafted to compliment your skills. The guide pictured shows how to use AVS scalers and curettes correctly.

Remember that AVS Instruments will recycle your old instruments. When you send us your old dental or surgical instruments the stainless steel is recycled and used to make the handles of brand new AVS veterinary dental instruments. Help us by acting responsibly to care for our environment.

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