
Haemostatic Sponge with Colloidal Silver 24 pack


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Canine Fascia


Fascia is processed and freeze-dried fascia lata allografts. Fascia is a natural collagen scaffold that allows integration with the host tissues and cellular ingrowth organises along the native fibres inherent in fascia. During the integration phase it provides a barrier for GTR procedures. It is thinner and somewhat more flexible than the Ossiflex Bone Membranes.

Guided Tissue Regeneration
Placing a membrane between bone graft and soft tissue avoids premature soft tissue in-growth.

Oronasal Fistulas
While thin and flexible, Fascia is strong enough to keep food particles from traveling through oronasal defects.

Cleft Palates and Cranio-Facial Defects
Fascia is also ideal for treating cranio-maxillo-facial defects. For example, it can be used to support mucoperiosteal advancement flaps for closure of palatal defects.

2.0 x 3.0 cm sheet

Can be used wherever biological material is needed



Fascia is processed and freeze-dried fascia lata allografts. Fascia is a natural collagen scaffold that allows integration with the host tissues and cellular ingrowth organises along the native fibres inherent in fascia. During the integration phase it provides a barrier for GTR procedures. It is thinner and somewhat more flexible than the Ossiflex Bone Membranes.

Guided Tissue Regeneration
Placing a membrane between bone graft and soft tissue avoids premature soft tissue in-growth. 1-6

Oronasal Fistulas
While thin and flexible, Fascia is strong enough to keep food particles from traveling through oronasal defects.

Cleft Palates and Cranio-Facial Defects
Fascia is also ideal for treating cranio-maxillo-facial defects. For example, it can be used to support mucoperiosteal advancement flaps for closure of palatal defects.

Rankow, Henry J, Krasner, Paul R. Endodontic applications of guided tissue regeneration in endodontic surgery. Oral Health. 86(12): 33, 1996.
Cox CL, Hunt GB, Cadier MM. Repair of oronasal fistulae using auricular cartilage grafts in five cats. Veterinary Surgery 36: 164-169, 2007.
Soukup JW, Synder CJ, Gengler WR. Free auricular cartilage autograft for repair of an oronasal fistula in a dog. J Vet Dent. 26(2): 86-95, 2009.
Duskova M, Leamerova E, Sosna B, Gojis O. Guided tissue regeneration, barrier membranes and reconstruction of the cleft maxillary alveolus. J Craniofac Surg. 17(6):1153-1160, 2006.
Retzepi M, Donos N. Guided bone regeneration: biological principle and therapeutic applications. Clin Oral Impl Res. 21: 567-576, 2009.

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